Welcome to Southbridge!
Neak Oknha Kith Meng
Chairman of the Royal Group Companies

A message from our Chairman
Dear Parents,
May I extend to you and your children a very warm welcome to Southbridge International School Cambodia!
I feel privileged and honored to be a part of this strong and vibrant school community – a community that pursues excellence in teaching and learning whilst nurturing the social and emotional needs of students to support them to become confident and resilient individuals.
We pride ourselves in providing a school with a warm, safe, and happy environment where students feel welcome and are cared for. Our aim is to provide opportunities that extend and challenge every student to exceed their potential and achieve personal, social, and academic success.
I invite prospective parents and students to visit our school and see the great learning opportunities in studying at Southbridge International School Cambodia.
Let us continue to seek growth and opportunities for a safer, healthier, and kinder place to nurture our future leaders and nation-builders.
Again, we welcome you to Southbridge International School Cambodia!
SISC Learning journey
Southbridge International School Cambodia currently caters for Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary students ranging from (2 years old) to Grade 12 (18 years old).
Our curriculum of Cambridge and IEYC are defining International Learning Goals that help young children begin the move towards and increasingly sophisticated national, international, global and intercultural perspective.

OUR Vision
- To be Cambodia’s leading school that offers both International and Khmer education.
- To be the center of a caring community which values diverse cultures and success.

OUR Mission
- We inspire students to develop their own high standards of academic excellence and personal growth through engaging and exciting teaching and learning.
- We bring together all members of our community to celebrate our students’ journeys and their contributions to the world around them.
Student Profile
At Southbridge International School Cambodia, we have 5 Personal Goals which underpin those qualities and learning dispositions we believe children will find essential in their future life.

Welcome From Head of School
On behalf of the teachers and staff, I am pleased to welcome you to Southbridge International School Cambodia (SISC). It is an amazing learning community that offers both International and Khmer education.
We are constantly making great efforts to make the school year incredible and productive for your children. This is because we believe in creating a school culture where our parents and students know us, appreciate us, and, most importantly, have confidence in us. Our teachers know their students well and encourage each of them to reach their full potential and achieve their ambitions. We also believe a strong partnership with you will make a significant difference in your child’s education. At SISC, we will do our best to carry out those responsibilities as well as provide interesting and idealistic teaching pedagogies to maintain that quality level of teaching and learning.
SISC is ready to take off and proceed ahead with your child’s education with strength and agility. Conversely, we will do it safely and carefully. We are enthusiastic to make this school year vibrant, exciting, fun, and – of course – educational.
Given the knowledge, commitment, and determination that marks our school community, I trust fully our collective ability to make this school year a successful one.
All the best,
Head of School